you've reached evil debom carrd

by bry :)

mlm trans boy, real into twitch vods, love rewatching entire series, adventure time and svtfoe

ENA by joelg
ghibli movies
animation, arawing
fursuits and sewing
lowercase letters
70's-90's music
pixel art

cold drinks
fruits and veggies, i don't like meat
socks and sweaters
milkyshakes, chocolate and vanilla
mbmbam / monster factory
stardew valley / terraria / minecraft
dr. pepper
emoticons >:3
flowers, gardens
warm showers

🚫 DNI 🚫

I don't tolerate lgbtphobia, racism, pedophilia or zoophilia. I'm not afraid to block you.
please don't follow my account if you're 18+, it makes me uncomfortable to see nsfw accounts following me
thank you for reading

fun comforty things